During 2020 Ffion worked at the Dye Atelier of Studio Claudy Jongstra, creating special colours for her exhibitions and clients including Museum de Lakenhal, Mingei International Museum in San Diego, Maharam, Dutch Design Week 2020.
Natural dyestuff include Weld, Madder, Woad, Dyers Chamomile, Walnut, Cochineal and more.
A dye lab that Ffion constantly explored, experimented and challenged. By focussing on in-depth research projects that explored different water qualities, growing conditions, metal pots, mordants and time.
Primarily working with various types of wool, silk skeins and fabrics.
Ffion also worked in the dye garden, growing, harvesting and tending crops.
Here is Ffion working sharing her process for The Lakenhal Exhibiton here.